Practical info & social events


The meeting is by invitation only.

If you would like to participate, please contact the organisers:

There is no registration fee.


The symposium will take place at the historical Neratze Mosque (Νερατζέ Τζαμί) in the beautiful old town of Rethymno.

Online map.


The participants should arrange their accommodation and travel.

Phishing alert: If you receive emails like this, please ignore them. We will not contact you to arrange accommodation or travel.

In the summer months, there are direct flights to Crete, to the nearby towns of Chania [airport CHQ] and Heraklion [airport HER] from various European capitals. There is no airport in Rethymno.

You can reach Rethymno from Chania or Heraklion by car (~1h) or by bus (see public bus company KTEL, departures every 1-2 hours, trip duration ~1h 15min).


Monday 17/06 @ 19:00: Symposium (and a rhapsody)

Welcome reception at Erofili Municipal Theatre, Fortezza Castle. Food and drinks over music by Yiagos Hairetis (Γιάγκος Χαιρέτης).

It will be followed by an event for the public, in Greek.

Wednesday 19/06 @ 14:30: Ancient Eleftherna visit and Synestiasis

Visit of the archaeological site of Eleftherna and museum, with history dating back to the 9th century BCE. (Historical information in English, French and Greek.)

Hat, sunscreen and comfortable shoes recommended.

The visit will be followed by dinner at a local tavern, with traditional music by Rafael Skalidis and Apostolos Brimis.

Schedule (the intermediate hours are somewhat approximate)

Participants may use their own transportation if they wish.

Friday 21/06 @ 20:00: Synaxis

A last get-together in Rethymno, by the Mediterranean sea, at the tavern Θέα Θάλασσα. Seafood and vegetarian dinner.